Version 4.2 of WordPress is now available. Along with the usual bug fixes and security updates the latest release makes it easier to share content as well as manage your plugins and themes. Continue reading
Version 4.2 of WordPress is now available. Along with the usual bug fixes and security updates the latest release makes it easier to share content as well as manage your plugins and themes. Continue reading
We’re pleased to officially announce our new eCommerce Hosting packages. Our technical team have been working on our tailor made solution for some time, and are excited to finally be able to reveal it! Our new eCommerce packages provide everything … Continue reading
We’re pleased to announce our latest website refresh. This has been a large project to bring a number of real improvements. You may notice the entire Hi Hosting website has been redesigned to load quicker and smoother. The biggest visible change … Continue reading
We are pleased to announce the latest Hi Hosting website refresh. We hope you enjoy the various improvements, and any feedback is of course welcome. Thanks – The Hi Hosting Team
Welcome to the Hi Hosting blog! We will be doing our best to keep you updated on our latest developments, including new hosting services, features and packages. We will also use this as an opportunity to share news and tips … Continue reading