Website refresh feedback

What do you think of our shiny new website?

We’re pleased to announce our latest website refresh. This has been a large project to bring a number of real improvements. You may notice the entire Hi Hosting website has been redesigned to load quicker and smoother. The biggest visible change is our new Client Area, which makes managing every aspect of your account incredibly quick and easy.

This is something we’ve been working on for some time, and our developers have gone through the new website with a fine tooth comb. However, something can always be missed!

As such, we’re encouraging everyone to let us know if you spot any errors. Whether you’re an existing client or not, if you spot a minor error we’re giving 25% of the first year of any new Web Hosting or Reseller Hosting package of your choosing, and if you let us know about a major problem we’ll give you 50% off as a thank you!

Ultimately our judgement will be used to determine whether an error is minor or major, but as a general guide a minor error would be a typo or spelling mistake, whilst a major error is something that breaks a page’s design, code errors that prevent a page from displaying correctly and so forth.

So if you spot anything simply get in touch and we’ll give you a unique discount code to apply to your order.

We hope you enjoy our new website.

Happy hunting!

– The Hi Hosting Team

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